中華經濟研究院台灣東南亞國家協會研究中心與韓國智庫Asia-Pacific Leadership Network(APLN)將於2025年2月20日(四)上午9點至10點15分(臺北時間)舉辦「川普政府與臺海現狀—臺灣、東協與美國觀點」(線上會議)。會議由本中心徐遵慈主任簡報APLN發布《Trump and the Cross-Strait Status Quo - views from Taiwan, ASEAN and the US》報告(報告連結),邀請政治大學國際關係研究中心蕭琇安副研究員、新加坡國立大學政治系莊嘉穎副教授,以及APLN Frank O’Donnell資深研究顧問進行專題討論,聚焦探討川普政府對中政策、是否選擇維持臺海現狀或推動可能影響臺海穩定政策,及臺灣、美國、東協國家應如何行動。本次會議為視訊研討會(Zoom Meeting),將以英文進行,歡迎各界先進踴躍報名!(報名連結)

Trump and the Cross-Strait Status Quo - views from Taiwan, ASEAN and the US
Thursday, 20 February 2025, 09:00 Taipei Time
With Donald Trump returning to the White House, his administration is expected to take a hardline approach against China, and cross-strait relations between Taiwan and Mainland China will be a high priority for policymakers in Taiwan, the US and in the wider region.
Will President Trump seek to maintain the status quo, or will his administration pursue policies that risk upsetting it?
What can stakeholders in Taiwan and surrounding states, such as ASEAN countries do to preserve the status quo across the Taiwan Strait?
This webinar will be hosted by the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network (APLN) in cooperation with Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center at Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, and will feature senior expert discussants from Taiwan, the United States and ASEAN.
The discussion will revolve around the recommendations in the report, In Defence of the Status Quo: Stabilising Cross-Strait Relations under the Lai Ching-Te Administration written by the Center’s director, Kristy Hsu, and published by APLN. The report proposes several measures for preserving the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, and the webinar aims to examine their feasibility under Trump’s second presidency.
Kristy Hsu, Director of the Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center (TASC), Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER)
Anne Hsiao, Researcher, Institute of International Relations, Taipei
Ja Ian Chong, Associate Professor of Political Science, National University of Singapore
Frank O’Donnell, APLN Senior Research Adviser
Joel Petersson Ivre, APLN Policy Fellow
Date & Time