In June 2020, the total trade volume between Taiwan and ASEAN countries were 6.891 billion US dollars. The total exports from Taiwan to ASEAN were 4.117 billion US dollars, while the total imports from ASEAN to Taiwan were 2.774 billion US dollars. In comparison to June 2019, total trade volume between Taiwan and ASEAN countries has decreased by 8.47%, while Taiwan’s export to ASEAN countries experienced a 12.08% decrease and Taiwan’s import from ASEAN countries decreased by 2.53%. Singapore ranks the highest amongst ASEAN countries with a total trade volume of 2.183 billion US dollars (Taiwan’s export to Singapore were 1.554 billion US dollars while Taiwan’s import from Singapore were 0.629 billion US dollars). Malaysia is the second highest with a total trade volume of 1.650 billion US dollars (Taiwan’s export to Malaysia were 0.769 billion US dollars while Taiwan’s import from Malaysia were 0.881 billion US dollars). The export and import details of each ASEAN country are presented as the following table and chart.

unit: US $100 million

unit: US $100 million
Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, . Last viewed on July 13rd, 2020.