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Contact us


No. 75, Changxing Street, Daan District, Taipei 10672

(China Economic Research Institute)

Contact information

Tel: 886-2-2735-6006 ext. 3121, 886-2-2735-0199

Fax: 886-2-2377-2692

Transportation Option

Via own transportation:

(1)DunHua S. Rd. (turn Right) - KeeLung Rd. (turn left) - XinHai Rd. (turn right) - FangLan Rd. (turn right) - No. 75 ChangHsing St.

(2) Sec. 4 Roosevelt Rd. (turn left) - KeeLung Rd. (turn right) - No. 75 ChangHsing St. 

Via bus:

(1)Name of Stop: Taipei Water Department (from KeeLung Rd. to Gongguang)

(2)Name of Stop: Taipei Water Department (From KeeLung Rd. to Taipei City Hall)

(3)Name of Stop: TWD Purification Plant (XinHai Rd.)

(4)Name of Stop: (FangLan Rd.)

Via MRT:

(1)Gongguan Station (Xindian Line)
Exit No. 1 - Bus 1 - Stop: Taipei Water Department (From KeeLung Rd. to Taipei City Hall).

(2)Liuzhangli Station (Wenshan-Neihu Line)
Exit  - KeeLung Rd. (to Gongguan) 1、207、650、672、1032、1551、1552、1555 - Stop: Taipei Water Department

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