二、 貿易概況與主要貿易夥伴
資料來源:ITC trade map
1. 東協體系
I. Basic Country Profile
Source: World Bank.
II. Trade and Major Trading Partners
The trade value of Thailand totaled 438.50 billion USD during 2020, where total exports and imports accounted for 231.40 billion USD and 207 billion USD respectively.
In 2020, the top 5 trading partners for Thailand were the United States, China, Japan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam for exports, while for imports they were China, Japan, the United States, Malaysia, and Taiwan.
III. The signed Free Trade Agreement
Source: Asian Regional Integration Center.
2. Non ASEAN system
Source: Asian Regional Integration Center.
VI. Economic Relations with Taiwan
1. Investment
Based on the statistical data provided by the Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, the number of Taiwanese investment projects to Thailand reached to 20 in 2020, with a total amount of 0.16 billion USD invested. And from 1952 to 2020, the total accumulated number of Taiwanese investment projects to Thailand was 591, with a total amount of 4.23 billion USD invested.
2. Trade
In 2020, the total trade value between Taiwan and Thailand was 9.80 billion USD, and Thailand ranked as the twelfth largest trading partner to Taiwan.
For exports, the total exports from Taiwan to Thailand were 5.30 billion USD, and Thailand was the twelfth largest exporting destination to Taiwan. The top 5 exports ranked by product group included ‘electrical machinery & equip. & parts’ (HS 85), ‘machinery & mechanical appliances’ (HS 84), ‘iron & steel’ (HS 72), ‘plastics & articles thereof’ (HS 39), and ‘copper & articles thereof’ (HS 74).
As for imports, the total imports from Thailand to Taiwan were 4.50 billion USD, and Thailand was the twelfth largest source of imports to Taiwan. The top 5 imports ranked by product group included ‘electrical machinery & equip. & parts’ (HS 85), ‘machinery & mechanical appliances, computers’ (HS 84), ‘vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock’ (HS 87), ‘plastics & articles thereof’ (HS 39), and ‘rubbers & articles thereof’ (HS 29).
3. Major Agreement with Taiwan